Thursday, April 14, 2011

Video: When Rep. Eric Cantor Sounded Tough

Yet another example that makes the Tea Party case it's not about Republicans vs. Democrats; it's about Big Government vs. the people. It's really staggering that Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) only said these words little more than a year ago. Today, the Republicans control the House and are already sending out signals that they will raise the debt ceiling. On February 4, 2010 then-Republican whip Eric Cantor railed on the sheer notion of even considering an increase to the debt ceiling. Ain't it funny how he can pontificate with righteous indignation when his party's not in power?

Now that his party's in power, there appears to be less indignation about raising it - a lot less. This clip of Cantor in 2010 is telling on so many levels, not the least of which is that it's already been raised since he gave this speech and his party is toying with the idea of raising it again.

The American people have been the ball in a game of ping pong between Democrats and Republicans for too long. Tea Party anger personified.

h/t CNS News

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