Friday, April 1, 2011

Video: Trump's Message is Resonating Big Time

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump's words are resonating in a big way with the Tea Party. He got more traction than anyone prior to him when he demanded Obama present his Birth Certificate. He's also saying what many Americans have been demanding from a leader for years. China is a threat to the United States but no one has put forth a plan of how to deal with it. To his credit, Trump has done so. Iraq? The cost of the war since 2003 has been over $1 Trillion. Trump's solution? Stay there and pay down the debt with the oil we rightfully secured.

The alternative would be to leave with a $1 Trillion debt and watch Iran take control of the oil. Trump has been getting a lot of time on O'Reilly's show this week but this excerpt may be the best so far. I've got some issues with Trump but couldn't agree more with his arguments in this exchange.

Via Fox Nation:

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