Thursday, April 21, 2011

Video: Unhinged Whack Job Exhibits Whackjobiness at Tea Party

This guy would be perfect in a clown suit. At a Chicago Tea Party, this protester shows up with a sign rooted in sheer brilliance. It said, 'The Tea Party Sucks.' At practically every turn, his response to every inquiry regarding his position involves a curse word or the middle finger. Perhaps that's because he has a terribly difficult time explaining his position. On why he doesn't like Sarah Palin, all he can say is, 'Come on.' On why he thinks the Tea Party 'sucks,' he says because they're a bunch of 'A$$holes.' The best example of this is when the cameraman asks the protester why he's calling him names. The response? 'Because you're a stupid Tea Party idiot.'

The best part of this clip comes at the very end so stick with it.


Via Rebel Pundit:

h/t Sharp Elbows

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