Saturday, April 30, 2011

Video: Zombies Descend on Winter Garden, FL

This is a 'must see' video. No, really. It's a safe bet that everyone of these 'zombies' voted for liberal whack job Alan Grayson in his November 2010 loss to Daniel Webster - the Representative these 'zombies' are protesting against. Someone really does need to tell these walking dead that whatever message they're attempting to communicate is not getting through because, well, they're zombies. Hint: When you're protesting by portraying yourself as a brain dead zombie that feasts on brains, you're likely not going to be taken seriously.

The optics in this news segment are killer - just watch the zombies limp around behind the reporter - but the best line of the segment comes from the news anchor after the report when he says, 'Who says activism is dead?'

Gotta love this.

Zombies protest congressman's office:

h/t Weasel Zippers

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