Thursday, April 28, 2011

Videos: Out Come the After-Birthers

For sheer entertainment value, be sure to watch MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell attempt to get Orly Taitz - long known as 'Queen of the Birthers' - to admit that Obama has unequivocally proven that he was born in Hawaii with the release of his long form Birth Certificate. Taitz doesn't even acknowledge the question once but instead demands closeups of a document she has in her hands. When O'Donnell asks her what it is, she begins talking about Obama's Selective Service number. At that point, the avowed Socialist O'Donnell begins blowing gaskets in large numbers.

Via The Blaze:

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Taitz obviously thought it more beneficial to focus on something else rather than declare the Long form a forgery. Had she done that, O'Donnell may have begun screaming like an insolent child. There are people out there who are declaring the long form a fake. Check it out:

h/t Gateway Pundit

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