Friday, April 8, 2011

Wisconsin Unions have Defeat Snatched from Jaws of Victory

The April 5th election that would determine the balance of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court pitted Republican incumbent David Prosser against liberal activist JoAnne Kloppenburg showed Kloppenburg eeking out a 204 vote victory as of early April 7th. It amounted to a monumental - and likely fraudulent - victory for the public sector unions who were determined to get the legally passed collective bargaining law in Wisconsin rendered illegal in the courts. A Kloppenburg victory would practically guarantee it.

But wait... Suddenly Prosser was ahead by more than 7000 votes and declared the winner!

WAUKESHA, Wis. (AP) -- A stunning discovery of votes in Wisconsin could give the state's hotly contested Supreme Court race to the conservative incumbent in an election largely seen as a referendum on Republican Gov. Scott Walker's explosive union rights law.

Adding another twist, the county clerk who said she incorrectly entered vote totals in the race has faced criticism before for her handling of elections and previously worked for a state GOP caucus when it was controlled by the candidate who stands to benefit from Thursday's revelation.

The corrected totals gave Justice David Prosser a 7,500-vote lead over little-known liberal assistant state attorney general JoAnne Kloppenburg, according to unofficial tallies. Before the announcement, it was assumed the race was headed for a recount. The difference between the two had fluctuated throughout the day Thursday as counties began verifying votes, but at one point was as close as 11.

Opponents of the law that takes away nearly all public employee collective bargaining rights had hoped a Kloppenburg victory would set the stage for the high court to strike it down.

Kloppenburg's campaign manager Melissa Mulliken demanded a full explanation of how the error occurred and said an open records requests for all relevant documents would be filed.

Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickolaus said it was "human error" that resulted in more than 14,000 votes from her predominantly GOP county not being reported to The Associated Press on Tuesday. She said the most significant error occurred when she entered but did not save totals from the city of Brookfield, a suburb of Milwaukee.

"This is not a case of extra votes or extra ballots being found," Nickolaus said. "This is human error, which I apologize for."
You know, I'm not saying it happened but if this had been intentional, it'd be utter brilliance. Whenever there is an election that the left REALLY wants to win, ballots seem to magically appear in the trunks of cars and actually get counted. The union thugs monitor the election results all day long and when the elections are close, the left always seems to find just enough ballots to put their guy over the top - see Al Franken. If there was a way for the Republicans to beat the fraudulent thugs at their own game without corrupting the process, this would be it.

It'd be rather difficult at this stage for even the left to somehow produce 8000 ballots in which no votes were cast for Prosser.

Great story. In this allegory, Stanford represents Kloppenburg, Cal represents Prosser, and the trombone player represents public sector unions.

h/t Gateway Pundit

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