Sunday, May 8, 2011

Audio: Issa Says he Agrees with NRA Executive VP: Holder's Got to Go

Rep. Darrell Issa gave an interview to NRA News on the day he grilled Eric Holder over the Project Gunrunner scandal. At one point, the interviewer brought up the comments of NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre on April 30th in Pittsburgh at the annual NRA Convention. Issa was asked to respond to LaPierre's assertion that if Holder didn't know about Fast and Furious, he needs to resign. The first three words of Issa's response were 'Wayne was right.' We can parse words and say Issa agreed with LaPierre's contention that Holder should have known but the congressman goes on to forcefully make the same argument LaPierre did.

It's becoming obvious too, that this investigation seems to be moving away from ATF and toward the Justice Department. Some people extremely close to Holder knew about this.

h/t to Sipsey Street

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