Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is 'Son of Hamas' Digging a Deeper Hole?

Earlier this month, former PLO member Walid Shoebat outed the 'Son of Hamas' - Mosab Hassan Yousef - as someone who says one thing in english and something else entirely in Arabic. Yousef is the son of one of Hamas' founders and went on a book tour last year to promote his story about how he converted to Christianity. Unfortunately for him, Shoebat unearthed some interviews Yousef gave in Arabic and claims that the alleged convert is actually plotting against Israel and plans to do so by infiltrating western churches.

Yousef has apparently decided that Shoebat's claims against him are gaining enough traction to warrant a character witness. There is indeed a problem, however with who Yousef has decided to lean on. His name is Gonen Ben-Itzhak and he was once Yousef's Shin Bet handler. Unfortunately for the 'Son of Hamas,' Gonen was fired from the Shin Bet for - of all things - lying and financial mismanagement.

Shoebat writes about this at Pajamas Media:
In an attempt to defend himself from my exposure of his record and actions, Mosab Hassan Yousef has solicited help from Gonen ben Itzhak – Yousef’s former handler within Shin Bet (Itzhak was fired from the organization). Itzhak intended to write and publicize a letter damaging my name and credibility. I obtained the letter sent by Itzhak prior to its publication, have seen its claims, and can offer proof beyond any doubt defending myself from the spurious charges therein.

It is crucial to note Itzhak’s own background: he was fired from Shin Bet for “financial mismanagement and lying.” Additionally, former deputy head of the Shin Bet (and current Kadima MK) Gideon Ezra has questioned the credibility of Mosab’s story, saying it was all “exaggerated.” Itzhak is also an extremist Greenpeace activist and a pro-Palestine, anti-settlement advocate. This man is now countering my honest, factual reporting of Yousef by claiming he investigated me and found that I was a “fraud.” I can prove he is now lying about my past, and given his current behavior, I am not surprised at the stated reason for his previous firing.
Makes perfect sense. After Mosab Hassan Yousef is called out as a fraud for what he actually says in Arabic, he enlists the support of an eco-wacko leftist who was fired for lying and financial mismanagement.

HERE is a link to an interview Gonen gave to Haaretz last year in which he actually admits to why he was fired by Shin Bet.

Shoebat appears to be having his case made by the very individual he has outed.

Read it all.

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