Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pakistan Likely Protected Osama Bin Laden Since 9/11

Wikileaks strikes yet again. If these files from the document dump are accurate, the relations between the United States and Pakistan - already seriously damaged when Osama was found a mere short walk from Pakistan's military academy - could reach a low quicker than anyone could have imagined. In addition to Osama's location, Wikileaks files reportedly show that Pakistani Intelligence has been protecting him since 2001. If true, it's likely they tipped him off to U.S. troop movement, possibly at Tora Bora in December, 2001. There are other reasons to be concerned with this latest find as well.

Via the Telegraph:
American diplomats were told that one of the key reasons why they had failed to find bin Laden was that Pakistan’s security services tipped him off whenever US troops approached.

Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISID) also allegedly smuggled al-Qaeda terrorists through airport security to help them avoid capture and sent a unit into Afghanistan to fight alongside the Taliban.

The claims, made in leaked US government files obtained by Wikileaks, will add to questions over Pakistan’s capacity to fight al-Qaeda.
The files go on to explain how one Gitmo detainee bragged about his relationship with ISID.

Bin Laden's proximity to the military academy and his being protected by Pakistani officials for nearly ten years coupled with the 'treasure trove' of intelligence in his compound in the form of computer hard drives could necessitate breaking off all diplomatic relations with Pakistan, at bare minimum.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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