Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Video: The 30 Second Ad from 2007 that should Sink John Huntsman in 2012

As the conservative base continues surveying its options for President in 2012, former governor of Utah and current ambassador to China, John Huntsman keeps getting looks. For those paying attention, this ad from 2007 should cause most to cast him aside as a possibility. Watch as he shares the screen with Arnold Schwarzenegger (RINO) and Montana's Democrat governor to push for a cap on green house gases. Having support for climate change legislation in your past at this point is the equivalent of a Scarlet letter. It's likely going to sink Pawlenty's chances. The ad with Newt and Nancy sitting together on a couch in a show of solidarity for such insanity isn't going to help the former House Speaker either.

Bye bye, Jonnie.

h/t Verum Serum

Just to hammer home the point...

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