Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Video: Obama's CIA Chief Admits Waterboarding helped lead to Bin Laden

CIA Director Leon Panetta was interviewed by Obama sycophant and liberal media anchor Brian Williams of MSNBC to talk about the recent killing of Osama Bin Laden. There are a few good spots in this exchange to watch. First, at the 5:15 mark, Williams attempts Panetta to take a shot at the previous administration by asking the question if this same thing could have been done before going into Iraq and preventing the deaths of so many Americans. Panetta's response is basically 'no' but he takes a long time to get there.

At the 8:00 mark, Williams asks Panetta about Enhanced Interrogation Techniques and ends up having to phrase the question differently twice after that in order to get a straight answer. That straight answer was not to be but Panetta did admit that waterboarding was used and helped lead to Bin Laden.

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h/t Gateway Pundit

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