Monday, May 23, 2011

Video: Paul Ryan on Meet the Press

Last week, Newt Gingrich appeared on Meet the Press and basically pointed to Paul Ryan's budget solution as 'right wing social engineering, ' regardless of his denials in the face of Tea Party outrage at such a charge. Yesterday, it was Ryan's turn. We are watching a changing of the guard right before our eyes. Gingrich is the face of the 1994 Contract with America that fell apart a decade later when a Republican Congress spent like drunken sailors and paved the way for Barack Obama.

Newt's time is over and the juxtaposition of his appearance with David Gregory with Ryan's appearance one week later demonstrates it perfectly.

The quote of the exchange comes when Gregory challenges Ryan on polls that show a lack of support for his plan. After pointing to a need to lead rather than follow polls, Ryan delivers a smackdown:
"The Senate Democrats haven't even proposed or passed a budget for 753 days and we have a budget crisis."
Ryan made Newt look even more sophomoric.

Via NewsBusters:

Compare that with Newt one week earlier:

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