Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Video: Proof the DNC has Doubled Down on Howard Dean

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman, Howard Dean was likely the biggest left wing ideologue ever appointed to the position. If you remember any of his antics when asked a tough question, you know that he was the master at avoiding it entirely while attempting to set a new narrative directed at his opponents. Surely, the Democratic Party couldn't do worse than him as chairman. Oh, yes they did. Far left whacko, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has only been in the job a short while and is already proving to be the quintessential smoking gun for claims that the left has doubled down.

Here, while being interviewed by CBS's Harry Smith, the subject is Rep. Paul Ryan's plan to fix Medicare. After conceding that the Democrats reject Ryan's plan, he then asks Schultz if the Democrats have a plan at all. Her refusal to answer that with a 'yes' or a 'no' communicates the answer, which is no. She then proceeds to lie about Ryan's plan. I'll give Dean credit on one thing. He was much smoother at lying while changing the subject than Schultz is. This is just plain pathetic.

Via Hot Air:

Last week, DWS charged that if the Republicans were in charge, Americans would all be driving foreign cars. Lost on her was the fact that she drives a Japanese vehicle.

She then proceeded to deride Republicans for having the gall to insist that illegal aliens are breaking the law.

If you're a Democrat, you likely miss this guy.

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