Friday, May 20, 2011

Videos: Obama on Israel's 1967 Borders and 'Arab Spring'

Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air makes a valid point about Obama's speech and the AP's claim that the President called for pre-1967 borders. If you watch the statement in question (:55 mark), Obama refers to any negotiation being based on '1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps.' Any ambiguity that ensued as a result of this speech was likely welcomed by Obama, especially when one considers that the AP toes the liberal line and is virtually state-run. While the choice of words may have technically reflected long-standing policy, something was lost in the translation somewhere.

If Obama is really all that concerned about being taken out of context by the AP, he would be defusing the situation right now. Regardless of how his comments were intended to be received, they have been received by Israel and Arabs who have now formed a facebook group to organize a descent on Israel's borders. Unless Obama corrects the record, we are left to conclude only that he has no problem with the AP report.

Via the Daily Conversation:

Check out Hot Air's take.

I find this portion of Obama's speech even more problematic. Even as the Muslim Brotherhood continues to gobble up countries, revealing its true face, Obama champions what they are doing and even welcomes future uprisings. What happened in Egypt and Tunisia coupled with what's happening in Syria and Libya is something this administration supports. This portion of Obama's speech makes that clear. As bad as Gadhafi and Assad are, any vacuum left by their expulsion will be filled with something far worse - the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that seeks a global Islamic Caliphate.

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