Thursday, May 5, 2011

Videos: White House Says Osama not a Muslim Leader, Explains Muslim Burial

You really can't make this stuff up. Those who demanded to see Obama's Birth Certificates were called 'Carnival Barkers' by Obama himself. Meanwhile, he has a press secretary with the last name 'Carney' who, during the May 4th press briefing explained that Osama Bin Laden is 'not a Muslim leader' but a 'mass murderer.' Carney Barker then went on to explain why Osama's burial carefully adhered to Islamic customs. See for yourself. First up is Carney Barker's bit about Bin Laden not being a Muslim.

Wait for it. Here, Carney Barker says the efforts that were made to ensure that Bin Laden received a burial consistent with Islamic traditions were 'considerable.'

h/t Weasel Zippers

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