Thursday, June 9, 2011

al-Awlaki's Pentagon Lunch Included Invitation to CAIR's Awad

Perhaps the most wanted Islamic terrorist today - Anwar al-Awlaki - was invited to a Pentagon luncheon just a few short months after 9/11. Now we're learning that in addition to al-Awlaki, CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad was also invited as a plan of Muslim outreach. According to Catherine Herridge at Fox News, had expressed interest in attending as well. Apparently, this was not the only time al-Awlaki and Awad had teamed up together.

Via Fox News:
According to the email, there was at least one civilian on the guest list. The email invitation reads: "Mr. Nihad Awad, President of the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations has also expressed interest in attending."

Fox News sent questions to Awad though a spokesman at CAIR, including whether he had provided positive recommendations for Awlaki to either the FBI or the Defense Department immediately after 9/11.

Fox News also asked whether Awad attended a fundraiser at UC Irvine on Sept. 9, 2001, for the defense of Jamil al-Amin who was later conficted of killing a sheriff's deputy in Atlanta Georgia. Documents show Awad provided a video message for the fundraising event and al-Awlaki went to the fundraiser. On Sept. 10 of that year, al-Awlaki, who has documented ties to three of the five Sept. 11 hijackers, flew back to Washington, landing on the morning of Sept. 11.

Fox News contacted CAIR multiple times over a 10 day period and there was no response after the initial contact when a spokesman asked for questions to be submitted.
The DOD allowed al-Awlaki to appear at the luncheon despite the FBI having interviewed him multiple times regarding the September 11th attacks.

CAIR Director Awad has quite the history of being associated with bad guys. He also is on record in 1994 as saying he supports Hamas.

HERE is a link to the email referenced in Fox article.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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