Thursday, June 9, 2011

As Obama Steps up Attacks in Yemen, still will not Seek Congressional Approval over Libya

The behavior and stances of the Obama administration are simply shocking on so many levels. In this exchange with Press Secretary Jay Carney, reporter Mark Knoller asks Carney if Obama is going to seek congressional approval for the military action in Libya. As of May 21st, Obama has been in blatant violation of the War Powers Act of 1973, which states that any president must get congressional approval for any military action that lasts more than 60 days. Put simply, he has not done that.

As if that's not enough of a slap in the face to Congress, while Carney is implying to reporters that Obama doesn't need Congress, the administration has increased our military action in Yemen.

Fast forward to the 1:00 mark to see Carney suggest that Obama's decision to 'consult' with Congress should suffice. No, Mr. Carney, it should not.

h/t Hapbog

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