Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Cult of Climate Change

If you had any doubt that the Eco-Wackos weren't part of a cult, that doubt should be erased now. The UN Foundation is concocting a scheme that will consist of an 'aggressive program' designed to target people who call them Eco-Wackos. Actually, anyone who denies man-made climate change is to have his mind made right or his character assassinated. I particularly like the fact that Tim Wirth, the head of the Foundation thinks people who deny his madness have gotten a 'free ride.' He actually is calling for that free ride to stop.

Via CNS News:
Former Democratic Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado, now the president of the UN Foundation, said the flooding and forest fires in the United States this year are evidence of "the kind of dramatic climate impact" climate change models have predicted and that those in the know on climate change must “undertake an aggressive program to go after those who are among the deniers.”

In a UN Foundation conference call about climate change, from Svalbard, Norway on Thursday, Wirth said, “[W]e have to--I think, again as I’ve suggested before--undertake an aggressive program to go after those who are among the deniers, who are putting out these mistruths, and really call them for what they’re doing and make a battle out of it. They’ve had pretty much of a free ride so far, and that time has got to stop.”
Uh, perhaps Mr. Wirth should start reading the Climategate emails. I particularly like how Wirth included the Arizona wildfires in his list of examples:As for the recent fires in Southwest and the flooding in the Midwest, Wirth said:
“While you can’t predict exactly from the climate models what’s going to happen, we know that the overall trend is going to be increased drought, increased flooding, increased number of fires. And we’re seeing exactly that sort of thing in the United States today with increased flooding this last year, with the fires that have swept, raging through Arizona and western New Mexico and Texas, the kind of dramatic climate impact that we have seen in the United States already.”

“Slowly but surely, people are going to connect the dots,” he said. “They’re going to understand that this is precisely the kind of significant change that has been predicted and that we’re slowly but surely seeing.”
Lost on this guy is that most of the Arizona wildfires are being started by illegal aliens. In that regard, the source of what Wirth points to as a sign of man-made climate change is indeed man-made.

Pig, meet acorn.

More at CNS News

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