Friday, June 17, 2011

FrontPage Magazine Asks why Weiner's Wife is not Resigning

It looks like that little snowball about Weiner's in-laws being connected to the Muslim Brotherhood is beginning to roll a little bit. As Anthony Weiner exits Congress, he continues to get the majority of media attention but there are two people who hold significant positions of power who should be leaving as well. One is Anthony Weiner's wife - Huma Abedin - who has familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood; her mother is a member and her brother raises even more red flags. The other person who should resign is her boss, Hillary Clinton.

In addition to Pajamas Media, FrontPage Mag has also picked up on the story. Arnold Ahlert adds an interesting twist about how the group Huma's mother belongs to is actually portrayed by Der Spiegel:
Anthony Weiner resigned yesterday, unable to withstand the relentless pressure put on him for his sexting extravaganzas. Yet if an article written by former PLO terrorist-turned-Christian and Israel supporter Walid Shoebat (along with KTEM radio host Ben Barrack) is any indication, it may very well be that the wrong member of the family resigned. According to Arabic sources translated by Mr. Shoebat, Huma Abedin’s mother and brother are both associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ms. Abedin’s mother, Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen, is reportedly part of a special woman’s unit known as the Muslim Sisterhood or the International Women’s Organization (IWO) which, according to a counter-terrorism report obtained by the Terrorism Committee of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, operates within the Brotherhood in Egypt and possibly other Arab nations as well. The Egyptian newspaper Al-Dostor confirms that the Sisterhood includes 63 international members in 16 different countries.

The group is being portrayed by Western media in a benign fashion, as noted in Der Spiegel and on its Facebook page. But a report by the Egyptian opposition newspaper Al-Liwa Al-Arabi paints a far more ominous picture. It reveals that these women, who are “the wives of some of the highest-ranking leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood” are being recruited to:

[S]muggle secret documents for the members since women go undetected by security surveillance…to spread the Brotherhood’s ideology by infiltrating universities, schools and homes…to lay the plans for the Sisterhood to work at the state level…[and]…to fulfill the interests of the Brotherhood and also to benefit from international women’s conferences and unify all efforts to benefit the Brotherhood globally.
To those who express concern that this is guilt by association, I point you to why Barack Obama had to distance himself from Jeremiah Wright. If Huma Abedin cannot renounce her mother and her brother, she has no business being anywhere near an American administration's State secrets, let alone having significant access to them.

Read it all.

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