Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Media Matters Drags National Review's Andrew McCarthy into Huma's Muslim Brotherhood Connection

This is beginning to get quite interesting. Robert Spencer's interview with Front Page Magazine is causing quite the stir among left wing sites. Both Salon and Media Matters have seized on two sentences from Spencer's interview in which he reinforced the assertion that Anthony Weiner quite possibly converted to Islam in order to marry Huma Abedin. Unlike Salon, Media Matters actually used Spencer's comments to go after National Review's Andrew McCarthy. This is likely going to escalate the story because McCarthy now has a reason to get involved.

Via Media Matters:
National Review's Andrew McCarthy has made a habit of citing anti-Muslim activist Robert Spencer as a credible authority -- plugging Spencer's book The Truth about Muhammad: Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion, for instance. In a recent blog post, McCarthy said that Spencer was the sort of "expert" who should testify at Rep. Peter King's hearings on the "radicalization of the Muslim-American community." McCarthy wrote: "I fear the hearings may turn into a non-event, in large part because they are not hearing from all the right witnesses -- experts like Steve Emerson and Robert Spencer. These experts have been excluded, evidently due to fear of the predictable reaction of the Muslim Brotherhood's American grievance network."

Today, FrontPage Magazine published an interview in which Spencer claims that "the most likely scenario" is that former Rep. Anthony Weiner "did convert to Islam."
As is expected, neither Salon nor Media Matters address the very simple fact that a practicing Muslim woman is forbidden from marrying a non-Muslim man. They simply cannot answer that so they do what they usually do. They smear.

And just think. It all started HERE.

Someone needs to show Media Matters this video. An Islamic scholar explains exactly why Huma Abedin would have been forbidden from marrying Weiner unless he converted. This video just in from

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