Saturday, June 11, 2011

MSNBC: Bill Clinton Furious Weiner won't Resign

The president who was impeached for lying under oath and who refused to resign, is apparently furious that Anthony Weiner won't resign for very similar reasons (minus the under oath part). Why wouldn't Bill sit this one out? While it's true that the longer Weiner remains in his job, the more damage will be done to the Party, is there another reason for this outrage from Bill? Does he have something more at stake? If not, why would he go down this hypocritically ironic road?

Via MSNBC's First Read:
While embattled Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner seems intent about staying in his job -- and he’s been bolstered by a poll showing that a majority of his constituents say he shouldn’t resign -- we can report that Democratic leaders, including former President Bill Clinton, are frustrated and some even furious at him. The reason: He isn’t doing his party any favors by staying in his job. The VERY few folks advising him to stay are the only folks he is listening to. Monday will be intense for him ,because the House is back and the Democratic caucus may speak as a group. By the way, even Mark Foley is saying he should resign.
Is there something beyond a concern for the well-being of the Democrat Party that would cause Clinton to get in the middle of this? Possibly. Consider Weiner's wife - Huma Abedin; she is Hillary's closest adviser and has been for years. Is there something about her the Clintons don't want to come out? Huma is very much a behind-the-scenes kind of adviser but this scandal is causing people to take notice of her. The longer Weiner remains in congress, the more that curiosity is likely to rise.

h/t Fox Nation

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