Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Syrian Expert: Assad Will Fall, Muslim Brotherhood will Take Over

Like the situation that's taking place in Libya, Americans have grown to despise Syria's leader. On its face, the toppling of Gadhafi and Bashar Assad appears to be welcome news. In actuality, it would be if the vacuum left by both tyrants were to be filled with someone better. Unfortunately, as the dominoes fall, the entity poised to fill that vacuum is much, much worse. In Libya, the Obama administration is facilitating it and even has the support of the likes of John McCain, who is obviously ignorant of the true enemy the west faces - the Muslim Brotherhood.

IPT reports that an expert from Syria seems certain Assad will fall and the Brotherhood will take over:
The wave of unrest sweeping Syria will drive President Bashar Assad from power and severely weaken the Islamist regime in Tehran, a prominent dissident predicts. "It is a certainty the Assad regime will fall," said Farid Ghadry, president of the Reform Party of Syria (RPS).

Ghadry, currently living in the United States, closely monitors the situation in his native land through a network of contacts there. He said his organization is getting reports that Syrian security men appear tired and demoralized and have reached "levels of mental and physical fatigue they are not prepared for."

Syrian forces killed as many as 40 people during weekend clashes and human rights groups say the total death toll during three months of unrest is more than 1,100 people. A new online video shows Syrian soldiers joking over the bodies of some of those killed."Your father told you to watch out," one soldier says over the body of someone with a head wound, "but you didn't."
The United States continues to implement policies that fuel an enemy we won't identify.
As he looks towards the future, Ghadry does not mince words about the Muslim Brotherhood, which seeks to dominate the opposition movement in Syria. He notes that U.S. policy may be helping the Brotherhood's efforts to marginalize non-Islamist opposition to Assad. According to WikiLeaks, since 2005 between $6 million and $12 million in U.S. funds went to Syrian opposition groups. Much of this money went to the Movement For Justice and Development in Syria (MJD), an organization reportedly headed by former Muslim Brotherhood members.
The mother ship for the Muslim Brotherhood - as Walid Shoebat has been saying for years - is Turkey. That is where it seeks to centralize its power in the form of an Islamic caliphate. After all, that's where the last one existed - the Ottoman Empire. Turkey and Iran are jockeying for the most power. The former wants the Brotherhood to take over Syria while the latter wants to keep Assad in charge.

What does it mean when a group like the Muslim Brotherhood takes control of sovereign nations? The answer is more power under one Islamic umbrella. That's what is happening before our very eyes and we have leaders who are either in on it or literally too stupid to recognize it.

Read it all.

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