Sunday, June 5, 2011

Video: Chicago - Inspired Executive Order

I know that Obama's lies are too numerous to count but the one I'd like to refer to in setting up this clip is when he said, 'I am not an ideologue.' Currently in the works is an Executive Order that will require anyone seeking a government contract to report who they've given money to. In short, what the EO says is: If you've given money to entities we've identified as enemies of this administration, you will not get the contract. Such a tactic has 'Chicago politics' written all over it. This video features House members Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) and Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) explaining why this cannot be permitted.

Via VS:

Here is a video from last month in which Rep. Allen West (R-FL) took an Obama bureaucrat named 'Gordon' to the proverbial woodshed over the very same issue. For Gordon, these five minutes probably felt like five hours.

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