Saturday, June 25, 2011

Video: Senior Hillary Clinton Advisor Compares Arab Spring's Reliance on Internet to Che Guevara

You really cannot make this stuff up. Alec Ross is Hillary Clinton's senior advisor and while he was speaking in London recently, he lauded the success of the 'Arab Spring' by saying one of the reasons it's been so successful is that there are no real leaders anyone can negotiate with or point to. Ross said that other than Wael Ghonim, there really are no recognized names of people who are at the forefront of the uprisings in the Middle East. Lost on Ross is that Ghonim - Google's regional manager in North Africa at the time of Egypt's uprising - was pushed off the stage by Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi after Mubarak fell.

Via The Guardian, Ross not only puts forth some absurd theories about the 'Arab Spring' but actually lauds it by pointing to the Marxist murderer Che Guevara. Fast forward to the 6:00 mark if pressed for time.

Via The Guardian:
Hillary Clinton's senior adviser for innovation at the US state department has lauded the way the internet has become "the Che Guevara of the 21st century" in the Arab Spring uprisings.

Speaking at the Guardian's Activate summit in London on Wednesday, Alec Ross said "dictatorships are now more vulnerable than ever" as disaffected citizens organise influential protest movements on Facebook and Twitter.

The US has pledged to back the pro-democracy movements that have swept the Middle East and north Africa since January. Ross welcomed the "redistribution of power" from autocratic regimes to individuals, describing the internet as "wildly disruptive" during the protests in Egypt and Tunisia.

"Dictatorships are now more vulnerable than they have ever been before, in part – but not entirely – because of the devolution of power from the nation state to the individual," he said.

"One thesis statement I want to emphasise is how networks disrupt the exercise of power. They devolve power from the nation state – from governments and large institutions – to individuals and small institutions. The overarching pattern is the redistribution of power from governments and large institutions to people and small institutions."
This is either willful or blind ignorance on the part of Ross. Whether knowingly or not, he is running interference for the Muslim Brotherhood while championing Che Guevara.

h/t GWP, which also provides a short video on who Che Guevara really was:

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