Thursday, June 2, 2011

Video: Shocking Reality in Dearborn, MI - Religious Discrimination

In perhaps the most densely populated Muslim community in the United States - Dearbron, MI - a Lebanese Christian man is being discriminated against solely because of his religion. Watch the video as this man explains how he has to daily fight off people who attack him because he is a Christian. He's denied consideration for employment because he's not Muslim. What this man is experiencing is just a hint of what's going on in Pakistan today, where Pakistani Christians are being persecuted, jailed, tortured, and murdered under that country's blasphemy laws.

Try as they might, the left demonizes the Christian right incessantly; it accuses us of being racist toward people who don't share our beliefs and/or faith.

Proof positive that the left is attacking the wrong side. Isn't the ACLU's silence deafening?

Via The United West, h/t to Shoebat Foundation

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