Friday, June 24, 2011

Video: Tea Party Freshmen Rips Tim Geithner

Here is yet another example of how the Tea Party's voice was heard last November. Check out this exchange between Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-NC) and Treasury doofus Timothy Geithner. I'm not sure what the most inexplicable thing to come out of Geithner's mouth was but among them was his assertion that we have 'unsustainable deficits.' DUH! Timmy, remember that uneducated Tea Party? They've been sounding these alarm bells for years now, while this administration has been spending like crack addicts with money. The other argument Geithner attempts to make is that if spending cuts are implemented, government would 'shrink.' That would be bad how?

Our politicians and bureaucrats are finally having to pay the piper and they don't like it. Unfortunately, the piper will take it out on all of us. The American people are not being sold out; we've BEEN sold out.

Via CNS News:

h/t Weasel Zippers

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