Friday, July 29, 2011

Another Fort Hood Jihad Attack Averted by Gun Store Owners

Pfc. Naser Abdo had been AWOL from Fort Campbell, KY since the July 4th weekend. During that time, he was plotting to pick up where Fort Hood jihadist, Nidal Malik Hasan had left off. If not for the actions of the gun store owners who sold ammunition to Hasan nearly two years ago, Abdo may have been successful. Abdo's motel room in Killeen, TX didn't just contain firearms and ammunition but perhaps bomb-making materials as well. It's noteworthy that the Associated Press used the word 'Muslim' once in their report but the words 'jihad' or 'Islam' weren't mentioned at all.

The ultimate irony? Abdo had been granted conscientious objector status because he didn't want to kill fellow Muslims. Yet, he was willing to kill men who should have been considered his brothers in arms.

From the AP via Dallas Morning News:
An AWOL soldier who had weapons stashed in a motel room near Fort Hood admitted planning an attack on the Texas post, where 13 people died in 2009 in the worst mass shooting ever on a U.S. military installation, the Army said in an alert issued Thursday.

Pfc. Naser Abdo, a 21-year-old soldier who was granted conscientious objector status this year after he said his Muslim beliefs prevented him from fighting, was arrested Wednesday. Agents found firearms and "items that could be identified as bomb-making components, including gunpowder," in his motel room, according to FBI spokesman Erik Vasys.

The Army alert sent via email and obtained by The Associated Press says the man arrested by Killeen police "was in possession of a large quantity of ammunition, weapons and a bomb inside a backpack." Upon questioning, the alert says, he admitted to planning an attack on Fort Hood.

Officials have not offered details about Abdo's possible intentions. The infantry soldier from Garland, Texas, had applied for conscientious objector status last year. A military review board recommended this spring that he be separated from the Army.

But the discharge was delayed after he was charged with possessing child pornography and an Article 32 military hearing last month recommended he be court-martialed. He's been absent without leave from Fort Campbell, Ky., since the July 4 weekend.

Abdo's arrest came after the owners of a local gun store - the same store where the 2009 Fort Hood shootings suspect Maj. Nidal Hasan bought a pistol used in the attack - called police, the Army's alert said.
Courtesy of Walid Shoebat's website, a screen shot of Abdo's Facebook page shows that his interests include CAIR.

Shoebat was also interviewed by Killeen's local NBC affiliate in its news report about the averted attack:

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