Saturday, July 23, 2011

Anthony Weiner Update: Says he has Three Women to Deal with

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma Abedin, have been out of the news lately but Weiner was spotted on a flight from Orlando to New York. He also has unidentified friends who have reported to the New York Post that Huma is not the only woman Weiner has to deal with; he apparently is quite concerned about the ire of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Huma's mother, Saleha, who has been outed as a Muslim Brotherhood member.

Via New York Post:
Forget his wife -- Anthony Weiner has an even bigger problem on his hands: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The horndog ex-House member from Queens is telling friends that while he's finally started therapy for his sex addiction, the really hard part of his "recovery" will be getting his wife's boss to believe he's through with his naughty habits.

"My problem is that I have three women I have to convince that I'm cured: Huma, her mother -- and Hillary," Weiner, 46, told a friend recently.

Weiner's humiliated, pregnant wife, Huma Abedin, is a top aide to Clinton, whose own hubby, ex-President Bill Clinton, was disgraced by seamy sex shenanigans while in office.
Hang on here for a second. We know that Hillary went after Bill's women more than she went after Bill; think Kathleen Willey and Juannita Brodderick.

Regarding Saleha.. As a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, she should have no problem whatsoever with Weiner having multiple affairs, or even wives.

h/t Hot Air

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