Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Florida Sheriffs Challenged to Arrest TSA Agents

At one level, this is not likely to go very far but on another level, state and local police officers are being called out. A libertarian group in Florida has sent a letter to the Sheriffs in each of that state's 67 counties. That letter includes the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution as well as the relevant portion of the Florida State Constitution when it comes to illegal searches and seizures. The interesting thing here is that there really is no disputing the fact that the TSA is violating the Fourth Amendment. It will be interesting to see if any of these Sheriffs act on the letters they are receiving.

Via WND:
The issue of invasive physical pat-downs by federal Transportation Security Administration agents at airports across the nation isn't going away anytime soon, with word that the Libertarian Party of Florida formally is demanding that sheriffs in the state's 67 counties arrest TSA agents for sexual battery.

The enhanced pat-down procedures – or the optional full body scans that essentially create a nude image of passengers – were imposed on travelers across America in recent months, prompting a wide range of reactions.

Just last week a state law proposed in Texas that would have created charges against federal agents who impose those physical pat-downs – described by critics and "groping" – failed at the end of a special legislation session when representatives couldn't assemble an enhanced quorum required during the special meetings of the lawmakers.
Texas House Speaker Joe Straus (RINO) is the individual most responsible for Texas not passing its version of the anti-groping Bill. In essence, he did exactly what any Sheriff in Florida who ignores this letter will have done. As for what the letter to the Florida Sheriffs said:
"As sheriff, you have the absolute duty to enforce the law uniformly and without prejudice. You are, at best, engaged in selective enforcement by choosing to further ignore these flagrant violations of federal and state law. At worst, you are complicit," a message to the 67 sheriffs from the party, signed by chairman Adrian Wyllie, said.

"If you have TSA agents within your county that are violating the law, then you must act. Warn the TSA agents that they are subject to arrest if they continue to violate the law. Should they continue, then you must begin making arrests," the letter said. "We urge you to remember the oath you took to support, protect and defend the Constitution of both the state of Florida and the United States of America. On behalf of all Floridians, the Libertarian Party of Florida calls on you to do exactly that.

"We turn to you, our constitutional sheriffs, to enforce the law in accordance with your sworn duty," the letter said.
These sheriffs are being called out; it will be interesting to see if any of them will stand up for those they're charged with serving and protecting and against federal oppression.

Read it all.

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