Monday, July 25, 2011

Rep. Steve King: Default = Impeachment

When Obama told CBS that senior citizens might not receive their social security checks if the debt ceiling isn't raised, he was, either lying or letting Americans know that he would prioritize in such a way that he would personally guarantee that those senior citizens would NOT receive their checks. In short, there is enough money coming in to cover social security, military paychecks, and interest on the debt. It is Obama who would decide not to pay seniors. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says that Obama should face impeachment if he prioritizes incorrectly.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said Monday that President Barack Obama “would be impeached” if the nation falls into default.

“STOP talking about default,” he wrote on Twitter. “The 1st dime of each $1 of revenue services debt. Obama would be impeached if he blocked debt payments. C C & B!”

King is among the House Republicans who voted for the so-called “Cut, Cap and Balance” plan that would introduce a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget. The Senate last week dismissed the House bill.
As Politico points out, Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC) also brought up the 'I' word recently over something very similar.

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