Friday, July 1, 2011

Report: Huma Abedin's Family 'Watching her like a Hawk'

More people really need to start seeing these red flags. Anthony Weiner's wife - Huma Abedin - is also Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff and closest aide. She is also a practicing Muslim whose mother is a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Now it's being reported that Huma is taking time off. Is she going to be spending time with family? If yes, it will be very significant; Huma's mother should have rejected her because Islamic law strictly forbids her daughter from marrying a non-Muslim.

The New York Post via Drudge is quoting a source close to the situation as saying Huma's family will be watching her very closely:
Anthony Weiner's wife is taking time off from her senior job with the State Department -- as well as time off from the randy former representative, The Post has learned.

While Weiner, 46, heads to an "intensive" rehab program to recover from the sexting scandal that cost him his congressional career, his 35-year-old spouse, Huma Abedin, will be relaxing at an undisclosed location.
So, according to the source, it's not known where Huma is going. Then the source says this:
Huma's family "is going to be watching her like a hawk," the source said, "like she's under a microscope."

There was no immediate confirmation from the State Department of Abedin's plans to take time off from work.
What do these two things mean when taken together? How will Huma's family be able to watch her 'like a hawk' unless they're spending time with her? If Huma's spending time with her family, something most certainly does not add up, especially if she stays married to Weiner. Even if she doesn't, the fact that she married a non-Muslim in the first place necessarily mandates that her family reject her. At the very least, the membership of Huma's mother - Saleha Abedin - with the Muslim Brotherhood, coupled with her brother's ties to Islamists, makes this entire account very suspicious.

More here.

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