Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Video: Chris Matthews calls Republicans 'Wahhabis' and Wahhabis Curiously Silent

Forget for a moment that the comparison is completely misplaced; it is over-the-top misplaced. My question is: Why don't the Wahhabis take offense at Matthews? In deriding the Republicans by sardonically calling them the 'Wahabbis' of American government, isn't he also deriding the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and practically every other Islamic group by implication? Keith Ellison should be up in arms over this. Chris Matthews referred to Republicans as 'Wahhabis!' The non-reaction from the Wahhabis is akin to the ACLU not caring when liberals attack black conservatives or when NOW doesn't care after the latest unhinged attack on Sarah Palin.

Via NewsBusters:

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