Sunday, July 10, 2011

Video: Congressman Challenges Obama Czar on Agreement with Mao

Hopefully, this exchange between Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL) and Obama czar Ron Bloom, is a bit of foreshadowing when it comes to Congress not accepting these appointments lying down. It definitely demonstrates why the left hates Fox News and Glenn Beck. This is sheer awesomeness. In 2009, Beck, perhaps better than anyone else at the national level, did the best job of putting the spotlight on the Obama czars. In the case of Bloom - a union guy with experience at SEIU - his most controversial comments about agreeing with Mao got tremendous play.

The video showed Bloom saying he believed that the 'free market is nonsense' and that he 'agree(s) with Mao, that political power comes from the barrel of a gun.' Two years later, while at a congressional hearing, Bloom was called out by Mack; the video clip was played for him. The exchange builds with the Mao comment saved for the end. The expressions on Bloom's face - especially after watching himself revere Mao - are priceless.

Via The Blaze:

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