Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Video: DeMint Slams both Reid and Boehner Plans

If Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) is correct, then House Speaker John Boehner is nothing more than a bit player in a Kabuki dance, designed to portray the perception that Republicans have defeated the Democrats in the debt ceiling debate. My inclination is to believe DeMint more than anyone else in the Senate if not everyone in all of Congress. If there were any congressmen who are more trustworthy, the list certainly doesn't include Boehner. The trick being played on the people by the establishment involves a premise that says the dollars in cuts will exceed the increase in the debt ceiling amount. The problem is the cuts are ten years out and the limit on the debt ceiling is only six months out.

If Boehner is playing games, he needs to be primaried. PERIOD.

Here is Jim DeMint with Greta after Obama's speech and Boehner's rebuttal via Fox:

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