Sunday, July 31, 2011

Video: Why Marco Rubio will be a Future Leader

I can't recall seeing a freshman Senator ever smacking down one of the most senior members of the Senate before but Marco Rubio (R-FL) did just that to Senator John Kerry (D-MA) from the Senate floor. The subject was the debt ceiling and Rubio was landing blow after blow against the establishment. He did so well at it that Kerry apparently couldn't resist the urge to intimidate the young, inexperienced Senator. Unfortunately for Kerry, Rubio batted him down like an annoying gnat and Kerry didn't know what hit him.

Rubio can string extremely cogent and powerful thoughts together very quickly. It will serve him well as a presidential nominee one day. It will serve the Republican nominee very well to put him on the 2012 ticket. After watching this, ask yourself what a debate between Rubio and Biden would look like.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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