Tuesday, August 9, 2011

AP Compares London Rioters to Tea Party, then Scrubs

London is burning thanks to leftist rioters who would rather destroy their country than attempt to prevent it from being destroyed. The reason? The government has run out of money and the misery is trickling down. These thugs are no different than sports fans who riot after their team loses. However, that's not the story here. The story is that the AP quoted a rioter that compared what he was doing to what the Tea Party in the US is doing. Apparently, someone over at the AP thought better of making such a leap and scrubbed that quote. Comparing the Tea Party to rioters in the UK is almost like blaming the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords on Sarah Palin, despite the shooter listing the communist manifesto as one of his favorite books.

Via GWP, here is the relevant excerpt of what the AP published initially:
In the Hackney area of east London, hundreds of youths attacked shops and set fire to cars, leaving a trail of burning trash and shattered glass. Looters ducked into a small convenience store as the blackened shells of two cars burned nearby, filling plastic shopping bags with alcohol, cigarettes, candy and toilet paper.

“This is the uprising of the working class. We’re redistributing the wealth,” said Bryn Phillips, a 28-year-old self-described anarchist, as young people emerged from the store with chocolate bars and ice cream cones.

Phillips claimed rioters were motivated by distrust of the police, and drew a link between the rage on London’s street and insurgent right-wing politics in the United States. “In America you have the tea party, in England you’ve got this,” he said.
Uh, this guy perfectly exemplifies the kind of people the Tea Party is standing up against. Perhaps that's why the AP pulled the quote from its report. Let's see, the 'uprising of the working class' is code for communism. The 'redistributing (of) wealth' is the epitome of European-style socialism the Tea Party is rejecting. It then becomes indicting of his group that it's stealing food. Oh, and he's also a self-described 'anarchist' (like Bill Ayers).

HERE is a link to the revised AP report.

Just to show another source that posted the original AP report, HERE you go.

Here is video of the rioting via American Glob. See if you can spot the Tea Party brethren:

1 comment:

  1. This article went wrong at the phrase "leftist rioters". A little more research and a little less assumption are needed here. You can start by asking a Londoner...
