Monday, August 29, 2011

Ground Zero Imam Takes off the Mask, Calls for Sharia Law in the US

Last year, Ground Zero mosque imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf had to do everything possible to portray his proposed mosque as a place for 'interfaith dialogue' and himself as 'moderate.' Ground Zero became the epicenter of controversy when Americans finally stood up and said 'no.' Rauf ultimately stepped down from his post at the head of the Cordoba Initiative, a name that is inherently incendiary. Former Muslim Brotherhood activist Walid Shoebat translated Rauf's Arabic and determined that the imam was not the man he was being portrayed as. Now, as if we needed it, here is more proof straight from Rauf's mouth. He's calling for Sharia Law in the US and the UK.

From the Scotland Herald via Atlas Shrugs:
AMERICA’S most controversial imam – the man at the centre of the storm over plans for the “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York last year – flew into Edinburgh yesterday to tell the Festival of Spirituality and Peace that greater integration between Islam and the West depends on the incorporation of Sharia law into the legal systems of the UK and the United States as well as Muslims adopting the culture of their host countries.

Many see Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf as an Islamic moderate even though he has been vilified in the US press as an apologist for radical Muslims. In an interview with the Sunday Herald, Rauf said he believes the world is in the grip of a “dangerous myth” and “self-fulfilling prophecy” that “Islam and the West are at war. But the real battleground is not between Islam and the West, but between the wise, fair-minded people of all faith traditions and the extremists.”

Although he is a pro-US imam who has argued that America is the embodiment of Islam’s ideal society, Rauf became a hate figure in the US over the so-called Ground Zero Mosque. The plan offended relatives of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and led to a US pastor proposing a “Burn a Koran day”.
As if that weren't enough, while visiting Scotland, Rauf expressed his support for the decision to release the Lockerbie bomber.

Via the UK's Milngavie Herald:
An American Muslim leader who spearheaded plans for a controversial Islamic community centre near the site of the World Trade Centre has supported the decision to ban a far-right group from marching in Scotland on the eve of 9/11.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, whose proposed Park51 Islamic community centre was dubbed a "megamosque" by critics who objected to its proximity to New York's 'Ground Zero', has given a talk in Scotland's capital.

He was invited to speak at the Festival of Spirituality and Peace by Edinburgh University's Prince Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam.

Imam Feisal added that he supported the Scottish Government's decision to release Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Libyan Muslim who is the only man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, but he would have been equally supportive if they had decided to keep him in prison.

He said: "I am not a Scotsman so I don't have the jurisdiction to comment, but if the government of Scotland deem that it is in its best interests to do something then it is up to them, but I would have supported their decision either way."
Shoebat translated and posted Rauf's words in Arabic over one year ago that proved this imam's true intentions. Now, Rauf himself is bolstering Shoebat's credibility.


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