Friday, August 26, 2011

How much does Team Bush Despise Sarah Palin?

We already know that the left in general and the Obama administration in particular can't stand Sarah Palin but what about the members of the administration and family that gave us Obama in the first place? If you ask any Tea Partier their take on George W. Bush, odds are that you'll get a concession that the out of control government spending started with his administration. The legacy of Bush 43 is not aging very well with most Americans. His aversion to enforcing immigration laws and veto pens when it came to spending bills only soured folks who now make up the Tea Party. That's why when I see someone like Karl Rove go after Sarah Palin, it should be perceived as a feather in her cap and a reason to support her if she gets in.

Team Bush does not like this woman and that's almost reason enough to vote for her. We've got to overturn the establishment culture in Washington and if there is anyone with a record of not only standing up to but defeating the establishment, it's Sarah Palin. Besides, any candidate - assuming that Palin will get in - that is despised by the members of both of the last two administrations may just be the right person for the job.

Here is Karl Rove on Greta revealing his unmasked disdain for Palin by calling her 'Thin-skinned' multiple times. I'm sorry, but no political figure or candidate has been more skewered by the mainstream media than Sarah Palin. In my view, Palin is anything but thin-skinned. On the contrary, there appears a bit of 'thou doth protest too much' from Rove here.

While we're at it, remember this from November of 2010? George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara were interviewed by Larry King. Bush, the elder, admitted to being confused about the Tea Party and Barbara said she hoped Palin would stay in Alaska.

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