Thursday, August 18, 2011

Jihadist Targets... David Letterman?

Apparently, an on-line jihadist objected to David Letterman joking about the death of Osama bin Laden because the former is calling for the comedian's head. The strangely ironic part is it may have been Letterman's comparison between bin Laden's replacement and Sarah Palin that pushed Umar al Basrawi over the edge. The other strange part of Basrawi's post was that he called Letterman a 'Jew' even though the late night comedian is not Jewish. This should wake people up to the fact that jihadists do not just target Jews exclusively.

Via New York Post:
David Letterman has become terror target No. 1.

The new threat comes from a frequent poster on Islamic jihadist forums, Umar al Basrawi, who implored American Muslims to "cut the tongue of this lowly Jew and shut it forever," according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, a non-profit that monitors online jihadists.

Letterman, who isn’t Jewish, became the object of al-Basrawi’s ire when the late-night funnyman told a joke about the death of Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda’s search for his replacement.

"So [al Qaeda] picked a successor to Osama bin Laden and his name was Ilyas Kashmiri," Letterman said during his opening monologue on June 8th, "well, guess what, he was blown up by an American drone."

"It wasn’t going to work anyways because they got off to a rocky start with this guy," Letterman continued, "he botched up the story of Paul Revere."

Apparently, comparing the dead terrorist to Sarah Palin was one step too many for al-Basrawi, who ended his online rant with, "We ask Allah to paralyze his tongue and grant the sincere monotheists his neck. Oh Allah, amen."

He then compared Letterman fate to the successful hit of Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was called by Islamic radicals in Brooklyn in 1990.

"To the righteous Muslims in America: Isn't there among you [a man like] Sayyid Nosair, the Egyptian, who can cut off the tongue of this lousy Jew and silence him forever, just like Sayyid – may Allah hasten his release – did to his fellow Jew, [Rabbi Meir] Kahane?" al-Basrawi wrote in a translation provided by MEMRI.
The reference to Paul Revere on the part of Letterman was obviously due to Sarah Palin's comments on her bus tour a few months back but what's interesting here is that Letterman is a far left guy. This is the kind of thing that should wake them up to the fact that they are not safe either.

By the way. Anyone remember another person who was called a 'Jew' who was not? Lara Logan, as she was suffering a sexual assault at the hands of a mob in Cairo.

h/t Hapblog

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