Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Arab Spring Fruit in Egypt - Israeli Ambassador Threatened with Death unless he Leaves

Remember, the mainstream media in the United States was instrumental in the success of the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. As such, the violent sexual assault of CBS reporter Lara Logan is on their hands; the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood is on their plate; and the subsequent threats to Israel falls in their lap too. It is beyond inexplicable that our media - to include much of the conservative media - does not seem to grasp the Muslim Brotherhood threat to the world.

Islamic protesters in front of the Israeli embassy in Cairo are carrying signs of swastikas with the words, 'the gas chambers are ready.' Now we have the Brotherhood threatening to kill Israeli's ambassador to Egypt unless he leaves the country.

Via INN:
The Muslim Brotherhood has threatend to kill Israel's ambassador to Cairo if he does not leave the country. The radical Muslim group has been leading daily protests at the Israeli embassy in Cairo, demanding the expulsion of the envoy and a break in relations between Egypt and Israel.

Hundreds of demonstrators surrounded the embassy Monday as armored military and police officers prevented them from repeating Saturday night’s incident when rioters broke down the gate. One firebomb smashed through a front window of the embassy’s office.

One anti-Zionist, now referred to as ”Spiderman,” became an instant hero throughout Egypt by scaling the multi-story wall and replacing the Israeli flag with one of Egypt. The Israeli flag was burned.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media is absent on this story. I'm sorry to say that the media in the United States has become as anti-Semitic as Europe did before WWII.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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