Friday, August 19, 2011

Syria the Next to Fall to the Muslim Brotherhood?

First it was Tunisia, then Egypt, now Libya. All are African nation states whose leaders have either been toppled or soon will be. The common thread that runs through all of them is the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group that seeks to eliminate borders and reestablish an Islamic caliphate one day. Its goal is the reestablishment of the Ottoman Empire, based in what is today Turkey. The Turkish government - and now military - has fallen to the Islamist AKP party. Libyan dictator Gadhafi has put up a fight against the Muslim Brotherhood backed rebels but appears to be ready to flee, according to an NBC report:

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If and when Gadhafi falls, look for the Brotherhood to establish a much stronger foothold in Northern Africa. As that's happening, the same thing is going on in Syria. The Obama administration appears to be focusing its attention on that country as Libya seems to be falling to the Islamist rebels. Apparently, there are two groups opposing Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. One is the pro-Muslim Brotherhood opposition and the other is the pro-Democracy opposition. Guess which one the Obama administration is supporting.

Via World Tribune, h/t Jihad Watch:
WASHINGTON -- The administration of President Barack Obama has selected the Muslim Brotherhood over the pro-democracy opposition to lead Syria after the expected ouster of President Bashar Assad, a report said.

The Hudson Institute, a leading consultant to the Defense Department, asserted that the administration has decided to work with Turkey and the Brotherhood in Syria for a post-Assad government. In a report by Herbert London, the institute said Obama has dismissed the pro-democracy opposition as an alternative.
So, not only is this administration supporting the Muslim Brotherhood takeover of Syria but it's working with Turkey in order to facilitate the transition. Turkey is just sitting back, watching countries fall to forces that will only make Turkey much more powerful. Does anyone seem to care to ask why the Obama administration is doing this? Could it be that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the White House? In addition to Obama's envoy to the OIC having ties to the MSA (Muslim Brotherhood group), Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin has strong familial ties to the Brotherhood.

Another high stakes dynamic taking place here is the power struggle between Iran and Turkey. Iran, which has supported Bashar Assad for years, has to be watching this unfold with great interest. If and when Assad falls, the balance of power will tip toward Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood in a big way. Iran wants a working alliance with Turkey but is probably getting a bit nervous about the Brotherhood's rise.

To demonstrate the complete and total ignorance of what's really at stake here, Senators John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Joe Lieberman (I-CT) are praising Obama for his stance on Syria.

Here is video of Hillary calling for Assad to step down:

h/t Hapblog

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