Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Texas Governor Rick Perry Endorsed Hillary Care in 1993

It would seem Mitt Romney has a new weapon in his battle with Rick Perry. In particular, whenever the Texas Governor decides he wants to score some points by attacking his opponent for RomneyCare in Massachusetts, he needs to be ready to defend his endorsement of HillaryCare in 1993. Both are practically mirror-images of ObamaCare. What people need to understand about Perry is that he is long on rhetoric and short on conservatism as a guiding principle. He's following Donald Trump's playbook but he might just meet the same fizzling-out fate if these things continue to surface.

Via Daily Caller:
Texas Governor Rick Perry has been among the most vocal critics of President Obama’s health care reform initiative, and of Mitt Romney’s preceding health care program in Massachusetts. But in 1993, while serving as Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Perry praised the efforts of then-first lady Hillary Clinton to reform health care, a precursor to Obama’s health care reform efforts.

In a letter to Clinton, who is now U.S. Secretary of State, Perry wrote: “I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation’s health care system are most commendable.”

“I would like to request that the task force give particular consideration to the needs of the nation’s farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities,” Perry continued, noting his administration’s focus on economic development for rural Texans. “Rural populations have a high proportion of uninsured people, rising health care costs, and often experience lack of services.”

“Again, your efforts are worthy,” Perry concluded, ”and I hope you will remember this constituency as the task force progresses.”
Conservative voters are being fooled by this guy's rhetoric. In 2001, Perry signed hate crimes legislation; in 2007, he signed an Executive Order mandating all 4th Grade girls be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease; he was Al Gore's campaign manager; he supported the Trans-Texas corridor; and now this.

Read it all.

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