Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Video: Al Sharpton's Incoherence on Display in Debt Ceiling Debate

Even if you overlook the fact that every time Al Sharpton says, 'Potty,' he means 'Party,' this exchange between him and Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) completely reveals Sharpton's lack of ability to understand the debt ceiling debate. His questions and comments reveal not a scintilla of cogent thought. Note that Huelskamp's argument is that the cuts in the final deal are so insignificant that he believes we will have a downgrade in our credit rating. Sharpton's apparent premise is that our credit rating will be downgraded if we don't raise the debt ceiling.

The line of the exchange comes shortly after the 4:00 mark when Huelskamp responds to Sharpton's assertion that people in Kansas 'run around in yachts and corporate jets.'

Said Huelskamp: 'I'm in western Kansas. There aren't many yacts out there.'

Via Breitbart:

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