Monday, August 15, 2011

Video: Ann Coulter still Hearts Chris Christie, Silent on his Islamist Problem

When New Jersey governor, Chris Christie came out last month and slammed anyone who had problems with his appointing Islamist-connected judge, Sohail Mohammed to a Superior court judgeship in Passaic county, Ann Coulter, who has been among the most vocal Chris Christie supporters for some time now, was silent. The appointment of Mohammed is not something to dismiss; Christie's attack on those who have a problem with it only makes it worse. Four of the most prominent experts on the Muslim Brotherhood's attempt to infiltrate America expressed very strong opposition to Christie's actions. Among them are Andrew McCarthy, Daniel Pipes, Steve Emerson, Robert Spencer, Andrew Bostom, and others.

From McCarthy:
For the record, Sohail Mohammed is not just an attorney. He served as a board member for an Islamist organization, the American Muslim Union, which, as Commentary’s Jonathan S. Tobin and terrorism expert Steve Emerson have shown, has a checkered past of rationalizing jihadist attacks and supporting jihadists.
How about Emerson at IPT:
As general counsel, Mohammed bucked several high-profile terror support prosecutions. After authorities shut down the Holy Land Foundation near Dallas for alleged Hamas support in 2001, Mohammed told the Record of Bergen County, N.J., that the government was unjustly singling out Muslim organizations."People see this as another example of how heavy-handed the administration has been thus far," he said.
Daniel Pipes revealed that CAIR endorsed Christie's decision:
Christie won the hearty endorsement today of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, whose New Jersey branch issued a statement thanking him, applauding him, and urging a note of gratitude be sent him via the "Contact Us" page at the governor's website.
When CAIR is pleased with something, 99.99999% of the time, it's bad for America. On July 26th, Christie attacked anyone who had a problem with his appointment of Sohail Mohammed. Coulter was silent. Now, more than two weeks later, she appeared on Fox News and continued to express her wonton desire to see Christie as the next president. No one brings up the issue in this exchange but it's also interesting that Coulter even expresses how much she likes Herman Cain, who once talked tough about Islamists and sharia law but recently went to a mosque and apologized to the president of the Islamic Society of North America, Mohammed Magid. HERE is Cain's statement.

Something is very wrong. Coulter's silence on this issue is deafening. After Christie's comments, I thought she might just quietly withdraw her support but this clip demonstrates she remains all in.

h/t The Blaze

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