Friday, August 5, 2011

Video: Chris Matthews says 'FDR saved Capitalism'

The 'thrill' is obviously not gone. Just when you thought Chris Matthews couldn't get any loopier, he puts forth the premise that one of America's most socialist presidents - FDR - saved capitalism. If you extrapolate that logic, you can apparently say that socialism must be implemented to save capitalism. The truth is just the opposite. Socialism DESTROYS capitalism. Didn't FDR preside over the ushering in of Social Security? Isn't it a bankrupt entitlement? Uh, yes.

It might be time to check the vents over at MSNBC. Someone might be pumping glue fumes through them. In fairness to Matthews, this isn't a far cry from what George W. Bush said about having to abandon free market principles to save the free market as justification for all those bailouts.

Via NewsBusters:

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