Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Video: Fox's Brian Kilmeade Challenges Jon Huntsman on Global Warming Stance

Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is a RINO and probably the most liberal Republican in the race. He has almost no presence and appears like a figment of a candidate on the debate stage. He's got an establishment pedigree that goes back decades, which should at least warrant serious questions about his loyalties to it. He's also a believer in Al Gore's junk science known as man-made climate change. Here, Fox's Brian Kilmeade takes exception to Huntsman's claim that 'climate change has an established body of science associated with it.'

Kilmeade obviously hit Huntsman with a level of rejection for that notion that the former Utah governor wasn't expecting. Huntsman was not prepared to address Kilmeade's assertion that the entire movement consists of serious corruption so he attempted to dismiss that as a significant reality in light of his belief in climate change. He deflected and then told Kilmeade we have to get serious about the larger picture. Part of Kilmeade's answer included, 'tell the scientists to get serious and stop making things up.'

Via Daily Caller:

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