Sunday, August 28, 2011

Video: TV Reporter Gets into Sewage Washed up on Beach by Hurricane

Ah, the curiosity and common sense of a child. WTTG reporter Tucker Barnes decided to get into an unidentifiable heavy foam that was washing up on the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD for a live news report. As he and two news anchors marveled at what the foam could possibly be, Barnes made reference to it smelling terrible and not tasting very good. Uh, apparently that's because the foam is a mix of raw sewage and toxic bacteria. Video of the news report below.

As a postscript, if you ever find yourself in a situation where a reporter, armed with nothing more than a microphone tells you it's not safe for you to be where he is, just mention the name Tucker Barnes and tell him to leave you alone.

Via New York's Fox affiliate:
MYFOXNY.COM - A local news reporter from Washington, D.C. ended up getting covered in what is probably the remnants of raw sewage as he delivered live hurricane reports from Ocean City, Md.

WTTG-TV reporter Tucker Barnes was providing live updates for stations around the country as a wall of what he described as sea foam poured over him.

Barnes was on the boardwalk as Hurricane Irene hit the coast of Maryland. He noted that he had immersed himself in organic material. That "organic material" was most likely the effects of raw sewage pouring into the water during the storm.

"It doesn't taste great," he said.

He said it had a sandy consistency and added, "I can tell you first-hand, it doesn't smell great." The foam is often a toxic mix of pollution and cyanobacteria.
Don't you just love it when reporters call members of the general public stupid for doing far less than this?

Reporter Gives Update Covered In Sea Foam:

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