Saturday, August 20, 2011

Videos: Hannity Digs into Fast and Furious

On Sean Hannity's August 19th television show, he aired two in-depth reports about the Fast and Furious scandal. The first clip focuses on the operation itself and how it worked / failed. It also seems to reach the conclusion that Holder and Obama were quite possibly involved. With what is known about who DID know about the operation (William Newell, David Voth, Dennis Burke, etc.), Eric Holder's direct subordinate - Lanny Breuer - is either being protected or is protecting Holder. The first video is a must-watch, especially toward the end when the chain of command is revealed. The second video focuses on the life and death of Brian Terry and what happened on the night he was killed. Both are very well done.

Via Fox News:

Part 1

Part 2

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