Monday, September 12, 2011

Anthony Weiner's Old Seat Could go Republican Tomorrow

This wasn't supposed to happen. If you thought the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts was big, this one might just trump it. Former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) had near unanimous support in his district. He probably could have died of old age while in office. In the wake of his resignation, there is a special election tomorrow for that seat. The Republican's name is Bob Turner and he is leading his Democrat opponent by up to 6 points in multiple polls. That's outside the margin of error. Perhaps the most shocking aspect to this election is Jewish support for Turner; that support is reportedly a repudiation of Obama's policies with respect to Israel.

Via Daily Caller:
Two days before the special election in New York’s 9th Congressional District, yet another poll confirms that Bob Turner, the Republican, holds an improbable lead in the heavily Democratic district.

A Public Policy Polling poll released Sunday night found Turner leading his Democratic opponent, David Weprin, by a 47–41 margin. A Siena poll released last week found Turner leading by the same split, 50 to 44 percent.

Weprin and Turner are competing to fill the House seat vacated by former Congressman Anthony Weiner.

Turner has a strong lead with independent voters, 58 percent of whom say they will vote for him. Just 26 percent plan to vote for Weprin. Turner also has the majority of the Jewish vote, a demographic that makes up 36 percent of the district according to PPP’s results. Fifty-six percent of Jews say they will vote for Turner, while 39 percent say they have chosen Weprin.

The Turner campaign has claimed that Tuesday’s election will be a referendum on Obama’s presidency, and specifically on his policies relating to Israel.
Barack Obama is learning what a rigid leftwing ideology will get you. The Arab spring his administration was instrumental in facilitating, coupled with calling for Israel to return to its 1967 borders one day prior to Benjamin Netanyahu's arrival in Washington, likely contributed to this turn of events. The sustained 'I hate you' look he gave Netanyahu in the Oval Office didn't help much either.

Democrats can typically count on about 80% of the Jewish vote. In light of these numbers in Weiner's old district, New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, who relies heavily on the Jewish vote, has got to be taking notice of this development.

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