Thursday, September 15, 2011

Asst Attorney General Admits Fast and Furious led to Murders

This is not insignificant. Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, who appeared to stonewall the House Oversight Committee on Government reform back on June 15th, has sent a letter to Committee chairman Darrell Issa and Senate Judiciary ranking member Charles Grassley. In that letter, Weich admits to three murders being the result of Fast and Furious, though he does attempt to qualify that admission by saying some of the guns were purchased prior to the actual operation officially going live in late 2009. Nonetheless, this is an extremely damaging admission by the Justice Department, which has implicated itself in the commission of murder.

Via CBS:
Weapons linked to ATF's controversial "Fast and Furious" operation have been tied to at least eight violent crimes in Mexico including three murders, four kidnappings and an attempted homicide.

According to a letter from U.S. Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich to Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the disclosed incidents may be only a partial list of violent crimes linked to Fast and Furious weapons because "ATF has not conducted a comprehensive independent investigation."

When added to the guns found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in the U.S., the newly-revealed murders in Mexico bring the total number of deaths linked to Fast and Furious to four.
If you click on the CBS link, you'll get more detail on the crime scenes referred to above. I must say, it's a bit vexing to see the Solyndra scandal get more attention than Fast and Furious; the former doesn't involve murder. Furthermore, the longer no one is identified as the individual responsible for authorizing this program, the more the evidence points directly to Attorney General Eric Holder at minimum.

HERE is a copy of the letter Weich sent to Issa and Grassley.

The man who penned that letter sat in front of the Oversight committee on June 15th and was grilled. Here is a montage of that grilling:

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